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Interpromex mission is to provide you with the best service in order to start a wonderful experience that will change your life forever. 


We believe studying abroad adds another level to your educational experience. It takes you out of your element or place of comfort in order to challenge and enable you to learn in a new way. 


Experiencing other cultures around the world broadens your knowledge and views. 


In Interpromex we believe that it is very important, today, to have a solid understanding of different cultures and the ability to speak more than one language fluently.


We are committed to make your learning experience unforgettable, special and unique by catering to your personal needs. By sending students abroad Interpromex hopes to set up a generation that will help set a more globally-minded society. 



Contact us at:

WhatsApp Mex + 52 1 984 155 10 13

WhatsApp Can + 1 416 707 5025


© 2017-2023

 by Intepromex. 

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